Zaireeka, eight songs that sound different every time they are listened to. A form of music that requires the listener to participate actively. Not by doing jumping jacks, but rather just by listening intently. "
Track #1," "Track #1," "Track #1," "Track #1," resounds throughout the room from the same deep voice heard from the four boom boxes. "This is CD number 1...number 2... number 3... and number 4." Four Cd's, four boom boxes, four sounds echoing in surround into my ears. A innovative creation of sound, that is somewhat haunting to the bones. A single note on a piano starts off this exhilarating experience. Each CD is different, each boom box is different, yet they all interact together as one. What I would call upbeat jazz begins to play. One of the players provides a beat of that of a trap set. Vocal melodies resonate from all around me in a powerful chorus. However, the singing is different from each set of speakers. Sometimes the sounds come together as one, but then they split into separate entities. The drums can still be heard keeping rhythm, but my focus is rapidly shifting around the room. I found myself searching for the sounds that are to come next. Everything changes at once! A overpowering eeriness blares from the four boom boxes. To me it is like demonic chanting trying to consume my soul. Quickly the music shifts. The vibrations in my ears turn back into the drums keeping that steady beat. Except now there is this weird jingling like sound heard out of sinc from the other three stereos. The music fades and I find myself wondering if it is really over. Only three minutes have past by. Then it happens, "Track number 2...track number 2... track number 2... track number 2." " This is CD number 1...number 2...number 3...and number 4," . . .
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