Friday, March 14, 2008

Budweiser, we got canned! (observation)

"Green buddies, I got some bad news. Uh, WE GOT CANNED" Two frogs and one lizard each on their own rock are making a commercial in a commercial to advertise-BEER. Specifically, Budweiser. BUD frog has a deep resonating voice while ERR has the voice of someone mocking somebody acting stupid. The lizard never seems to shut up. Here they are in the middle of the swamp and more importantly in the middle of a scene for a commercial and the lizard can not stick to the script which leads to this dramatically hysterical conversation where one frog is up set, the other confused, while the lizard if freaking out because the frogs can actually talk! After the lizard announces the news, BUD's eye immediately opens wide because the lizard actually got his attention with something. Before, the frogs were just ignoring the lizard and sticking to the script for the commercial. ERR is so confused and shocked by the news he comically says he's going to get sick and starts hyperventilating. The lizard replies with put your head between your legs...honestly like that is really going to work. BUD is frustrated with it all but still considers ERR and asks for someone to get him a bucket for ERR. The selling point of the whole commercial is when the other lizard watching from a distance says with his own deep authoritive voice, "Now how is that supposed to sell beer?" and at that moment the Budweiser logo pops up in the bottom right corner. Of course its going to sell beer because the commercial is absolutely hilarious. After people see it and go to the store to buy beer, what would be a greater influence than that funny commercial that BUDWEISER had on TV the other day?!

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